
作             者: Tom Kenny and Linda Woo
總     級     數: 2
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: False Beginner to Elementary
C E F R  Level: A1-A2
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◎ 本套書籍共兩個級數,內容以日常生活情境為主題,藉由新創的編排設計,讓「沒自信開口說英文」的學生可以在不顧忌字彙、文法的限制下,開口說流利的英文。
◎ 書籍內容另又特別加強「聽力」、「單字練習」、「片語練習」、「實務對話策略」、「英語會話」等,協助學生迅速習得英語溝通的技巧與訣竅。
◎ 劍橋官網提供免費下載朗讀音檔、額外聽力練習MP3 檔。
Nice Talking with You is a two-level oral communication series designed to get students talking.
Nice Talking with You is a two-level oral communication series designed to get students talking and keep them talking in English from the very first class. Each unit features practical conversation strategies to create a unique, fluency-first approach, helping learners become confident speakers of natural English. Strategies include reacting in English, fixing communication problems, beginning and ending a conversation, and keeping a conversation going.

  • 品             名: Nice Talking with You 1 Student's Book
    級             數: Level 1
    I S B N -  13 : 9780521188081
    產  品  型  式: 平裝
    定             價: 980 元 
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